Peter Wiemer

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Peter Wiemer’s

interest in Bigfoot began 30+ years ago when one of his friends, Larry Battson, released a series of cassette tapes regarding his experience and research in the Bigfoot area.  In 2011 Peter approached Larry to assist him in bringing a Bigfoot Conference to Chautauqua Lake. The first annual Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot (CLBF) Expo took place on May 6th, 2012. This event brought in National Bigfoot speakers from around the country to talk about their knowledge and experience with Bigfoots. Since creating the CLBF Expo, Peter is up to 44 eyewitnesses from Chautauqua County, eight from Cattaraugus County and more then a dozen from Warren County, PA who have contacted him resolving themselves in knowing they have seen a Bigfoot but were afraid to admit it publicly for fear of ridicule. Peter, Joseph Glarner and Mark Robinault wrote, directed and produced a documentary movie called I’ve Seen Bigfoot, a movie about Bigfoot eyewitnesses from Chautauqua & Cattaraugus Counties, NY, Warren County, PA and across the USA. Available on DVD or Blu Ray and is currently not available on Amazon or iTunes due to (the aggregator) going into bankruptcy.  Peter’s other video projects include Milt the Talking Musky. Milt the Talking Musky is a benefit to Children with Autism and is a read and sing along karaoke kind of song in a mesmerizing underwater aquarium scene. In 2008, one of Peters employees showed Milt to some children she was tutoring outside of work including two twin six-year-old Autistic boys and for the first time ever, one of the boys attempted speech after watching Milt. Peter then created The iKidsFishing Show in 2008 which is a children’s fishing show starring kids teaching kids and you how to catch fish. Milt & iKidsFishing are available on DVD or Blu Ray.

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